Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bite Size Post - Fox News and the "war on women"

WARNING: Rant incoming…..

Oh Fox News how I loath you! Watch the clip....

The clip shows Fox News attempting to redefine the recent “war on women” away from issues like access to birth control, abortion, and forced transvaginal ultrasounds and towards issues like jobs, salaries and education.  This could be in response to a recent poll which had President Obama with an 18 percentage point lead over Mitt Romney among independent women in swing states (There is no way for me to be sure about the motives).  But the recent “war of women” is NOT about jobs, salaries, or education it is about Republican law makers’ fetish with limiting, reducing, and eliminating women’s LEGAL right to make healthcare choices for themselves without pressure or influence from the government.  Regardless of how anyone feels about access to birth control, abortion, or forced transvaginal ultrasounds THAT is what the “war of women” is centered around. 

Additionally Democrats did not create this "war on women" theme out of thin air, it was not "contrived" or "ginned up" as Ms. Ingraham stated.  It was dubbed a "war on women" because of Republican positions and a deliberate effort by Republicans on both the state level and federal level to introduce bills which significantly affect women in our country.  Yes democrats are playing politics to fully capitalize on those Republican positions but that doesn't make the "war on women" fake or imaginary. 

Now to the issues Ms. Ingraham did address (and incorrectly related to the “war on women”) jobs, salaries and education.  President Obama HAS impacted those issues directly, in the form of legislation, enacted under his administration.  Give credit where credit is due Ms. Ingraham.  For example President Obama signed The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, a law which helps to ensure that women are paid equal to men for equal work.  A law which by the way Republicans OPPOSED, arguing it had the possibility to allow frivolous law suits.  A law which only THREE Republicans in the House of Representatives voted for (Ed Whitfield- KY, Don Young –AK  Chris Smith- NJ, good job fellas). 

I guess you could argue that there is not a “war on woman” in a literal sense, but Republicans have vigorously sought changes to the law in areas that affect women more directly and very intimately.  Given the actions of REPUBLICANS, the phrase “war on women” does NOT come across as out of bounds to me.  Especially in light of how often Republicans claim a "war on religion" coming from the left. 

What do you think? Is there a “war on women” in America?  Is it too much hyperbole? 

UPDATED: 4/11/12
Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is also taking up the cause of reframing the “war on women”.  Mitt Romney is attempting to paint President Obama’s policies as harmful to women in the economy.  Republicans KNOW they have a HUGE problem with women voters and they are trying to establish a narrative that President Obama is bad on women’s issues. 

What do you think, will the Republican party be successfully in reframing the "war on women"?

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