Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bite Size Post - Too fat to fly?

Too fat to fly?
Recently a few media outlets have conducted interviews with a woman named Kenlie Tiggeman.  What is her story? She says she was humiliated when a Southwest employee told her she was “too fat to fly.” Southwest does have a policy which states a passenger that requires a 2nd seat will be pulled aside and notified discreetly.  The Southwest employee has breached policy in not handling the situation correctly, and Ms. Tiggeman’s states she does not want to infringe on other passengers so her solution to this problem is to remove a row or two of normal size seats and put in larger seats for obese people.

Now I have no problem with larger seats (which would lead to fewer seat overall per plane) for obese people as long as the additional costs are picked up by those who purchase seats with additional room.  What do you think? Should Airlines outfit their planes with larger seating area for obese passengers or does the policy of purchasing a second ticket resolve the problem adequately?

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