Middle America Part - II
Immigration: While this issue politically is a minefield, Middle America has reach some conclusions on what they want and don’t want in an Immigration Policy
Immigration: While this issue politically is a minefield, Middle America has reach some conclusions on what they want and don’t want in an Immigration Policy
When asked: Should immigration be kept at present levels, increased, or decreased?
Keep present levels | Increased | Decreased |
34% | 17% | 45% |
When asked: Do you believe immigration is a good thing or a bad thing?
Good thing | 57% |
Bad thing | 36% |
Middle America on Immigration: Middle America general views immigration as a good thing, it is the basis for our “American dream” however 79% of Americans want immigration to be kept at present levels or decreased. Middle America wants a controlled border and limited immigration.
War on Terror: It’s a post Osama Bin Laden (OBL) world now and hopefully a turning point in the War on terror, but how does Middle America view it?
When asked: Does the death of OBL make you more confident that the US can succeed in the war against Islamic terrorism?
Yes, a lot more confident | 39% |
Yes, a little more confident | 34% |
No , not more confident | 23% |
No Opinion | 4% |
When asked: Which comes closer to your view- The US has accomplished its mission in Afghanistan and should bring its troops home (or) The US still has important work to do in Afghanistan and should maintain its troops there.
Has accomplished mission | Still has important work | No Opinion | |
National Adults | 45% | 52% | 3% |
Republicans | 38% | 59% | 3% |
Independents | 44% | 54% | 2% |
Democrats | 54% | 43% | 3% |
Middle America on the War on Terror: With 73% of Americans having more confidence that the War of Terror can be a success the divide comes on whether America should continue its “nation building” in Afghanistan or whether our mission is now complete. There is no doubt that a part of America is war weary, but with OBL dead perhaps both sides view it as a sign that their position has been validated.
LGBT Rights: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) Rights is one of the more controversial issues in America today with support and opposition pretty equally split, but with a look at the numbers is there a trend that can be seen?
Since 2004 Americans have consistently become more and more accepting of alternative lifestyles. This trend is also mirrored when discussing legal relationships in the LGBT community.
Year | % Who think should be legal |
2004 | 46% |
2005 | 51% |
2006 | 49% |
2007 | 59% |
2008 | 55% |
2009 | 58% |
Middle America on LGBT Rights: While still divided, there is a trend of growing acceptance and tolerance in Middle America for the LGBT community.
Social Security: Social Security has a rocky road ahead with federal spending becoming harder and harder to find and an exploding national deficit, does Middle America see trouble for Social Security in the near future. (Note: This survey was originally conducted to inquire about both Medicare and Social Security)
When asked: How long do you think it will be until the cost of the (Medicare) and Social Security programs create a crisis for the federal government?
Already in crisis | Within 10 years | In 10-20 years | In more than 20 years | Not in the foreseeable future | |
National Adults | 34% | 33% | 19% | 4% | 7% |
Republicans | 41% | 35% | 15% | 3% | 5% |
Independents | 34% | 36% | 18% | 4% | 6% |
Democrats | 27% | 27% | 26% | 6% | 10% |
Middle America on Social Security: Middle America is afraid that if that status quo continues the social security program will create a crisis for the federal government sooner rather than later. 67% of national adults believe a crisis is already in progress or will be created within 10 years, those numbers also remain consistent across political party lines.
Stem Cell Research: There has been much debate surrounding the issue of Stem Cell Research most centered around the use of human embryos to harvest stem cells. Does Middle America approve of this practice?
As you may know, the federal government currently provides very limited funding for medical research that uses stem cells obtained from human embryos. Which would you prefer the government to do?
No restrictions | Ease current restrictions | Keep current restrictions | Not fund at all | No Opinion | |
In February 2009 | 14% | 38% | 22% | 19% | 7% |
Middle America on Stem Cell Research: A majority of America approves morally of the practice of harvesting stem cells from human embryos (59%) and also wants minimal changes to how we currently fund stem cell research (60%). Overall Middle America seems to approve of our current path with Stem Cell research.
Tax Policy: This topic is everywhere and the amount of data is overwhelming, as I stated in the beginning I will only be using Gallup polling numbers, I am not saying these numbers are better or worse than other polls out there, I am simply remaining consistent. So with a reminder that these numbers are antidotal, how does Middle America feel about taxes, tax rates, and equality of taxes?
When asked: Do you consider the amount of federal income tax you have to pay as too high, about right, or too low?
Too High | 50% |
About right | 43% |
Too low | 4% |
No Opinion | 3% |
While these two sets of numbers appear to contradict each other, which can happen with poll numbers, this number highlights the tax debate very well, Middle America believes THEIR OWN tax code is generally fair however they also believe taxes are too high. Now how they feel about someone else’s tax rates is another story.
When asked: Views about OWN income taxes – by annual household income
>$30,000 | $30,000-$49,999 | $50,000-$99,999 | $100,000-$249,999 | $250,000 and up | |
Too High | 45% | 49% | 51% | 54% | 67% |
About Right | 43% | 47% | 47% | 43% | 26% |
Too Low | 4% | 2% | 2% | 3% | 6% |
Yes, Fair | 60% | 63% | 60% | 59% | 44% |
No, not fair | 31% | 34% | 38% | 40% | 55% |
When Asked: As I read off some different groups, please tell me if you think THEY are paying their fair share in federal taxes, paying too much, paying too little.
Too Much | Fair Share | Too Little | Net* | |
Lower Income | 40% | 37% | 21% | 19% too much |
Middle Income | 44% | 50% | 5% | 39% too much |
Upper Income | 13% | 25% | 59% | 46% too little |
Corporations | 9% | 20% | 67% | 58% too little |
*Net= Too much% - Too little%
Middle America on Tax Policy: For this topic specifically perception may play the biggest role. As you can see in the numbers above, when asked about their own tax rates, numbers for paying “too much” go up as you rise in income; however the inverse is true when asked about other peoples tax rates. What does this mean? These poll numbers are the debate in tax policy. 50% of America says its taxes are too high and 57% say the current tax rates are fair. So Republicans view this as a validation that they are doing what America wants in keeping the rates the same and lowering taxes. However Democrats see at Net 46% view upper income households pay too little and corporations a Net 58% pay too little and they view this as support for an increase in taxes on the wealthy. Both sides seem to have numbers on their side. There doesn’t seem to be any silver bullet for solving the Tax Policy debate.
Middle America Part II Conclusion: Well let’s wrap this up… Middle America does not support any increase to immigration, views the death of Osama Bin Laden as a sign of success in the “War on Terror” but is divided on “nation building” in Afghanistan, is slowing leaning towards acceptance of LGBT rights, is afraid that Social Security is already in crisis or will be in crisis within 10 years, approves morally of Stem Cell research even when harvested from human embryos, and lastly believes their own tax rates are too high but fair however others should be paying more.